Sunday 18 April 2021


 Week 15 : April 12 - 16



We listen to instructions.

Song : The more we get together (3 languages)


I'm an A-P-P-L-E

I'm an A-P-P-L-E

I'm smooth and small

And good for all

I'm an A-P-P-L-E


Pisang oh pisang

Kenapa engkau kuning

Macam mana aku tak kuning

Memang badan aku


Oren oh oren

Kenapa engkau jingga

Macam mana aku tak jingga

Memang badan aku



If you see blueberries, clap your hands

If you see blueberries, clap your hands

If you see blueberries, blueberries, blueberries

If you see blueberries, clap your hands


Watermelon, watermelon

Watermelon, good to eat

Nice and juicy

Sweet and tasty

Watermelon, good to eat



Mangga oh mangga

Kenapa engkau kuning

Macam mana aku tak kuning

Memang badan aku


Presentation by Uncle Bryan

Slicing activity : banana

We taste 10 fruits today :

apples, oranges, grapes, banana

blueberries, watermelon, mango

pears, papaya and rock melon. 



Juniors at work

Fruit Spelling Puzzle



Dear Diary

Fruit Workshop was so much fun. 

All children brought their fruits and wore their fruit colour.

Children participated eagerly in their respective Fruit Songs 

and Uncle Bryan's demonstration (cutting watermelon kungfu style).

We had such a yummy treat! 

10 different types of fruits for tasting.

We are grateful to all our parents who helped made this an absolutely juicy and yummy day!
