Monday 1 September 2014


Week 34

August 25 - 29

Bambi : Number Activity
Counting dots on cookies.
Alya returns from a vacation and brings some cookies to share. :D
Plant Care : Day 1
We are using green beans as seeds.
We are planting on cotton soil.
We are watering our seeds.
More, more water ...
Day 3 : Our seeds have sprouted.
We continue to water our sprouts and give them sunshine and air.
Day 3
Juniors : Mat Activities
Threading shapes.
Pegging alphabets.
Fitting numbers.
enhance logical thinking skills.
Lacing colours.
Matching Skills.
Word and picture puzzle.
Circle Time
Addition with farm objects.
Seniors : Money Activity
Evening time ...
Good job, Kids! :D

Day 7 : Our sprouts have grown into a small plant. :D