Friday 22 February 2013


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Today is Sai's birthday.

"I'm so happy ... it's my birthday today ... I'm so happy ..."

he says several times in class.

Sai is very excited, and announces to all his friends that, 

everybody gets to attend his birthday party! :D

Teacher says, "Settle down and do some work first ..."

Today, the children are tearing up and squishing tissue paper into tiny balls.

They are preparing for art and craft tomorrow. 

After the blue tray is filled up, Sai jumps up from his seat and eagerly asks, 

"Is it time for my birthday party yet, Teacher?"

 "Not yet, not yet ... come sit down and do reading first ..."

After all the chanting and reading, and finally putting the books away, 

Sai's eyes light up as he asks brightly, 

"Is it time for my birthday party yet?"

"No, not yet ... not yet ...

We have to do some writing ...

... and drawing first ... 

You like drawing, don't you?"

"Yes ..." says Sai, with a big smile.

Break time is finally here ...

Mickey and Bambi children are all lined up and ready for the party.

Donald and Pinocchio children are all ready too.

Sai asks eagerly, "Is it time for my birthday party yet?"

This time, Teacher says, "Yes Sai, it's time for your party ..."


 Smile ... :D

Make a wish ...

Birthday Video

Cutting cake ...

"Hmmmm, I love my cake ... it's so tasty ..."

Everyone is enjoying the delicious chocolate fudge cake.

Munch Munch Munch ...

After break, we have Math activity.

Understanding addition ...

It is time for the birthday boy to give out the chocolates ...

... that he'd brought for his friends.

He says, "Those with fever, cannot take chocolate, those with no fever, can ..."

resulting in all the kids yelling out,